Discrimination Harassment Attorney Bernard Healy
Discrimination and Harassment Attorney Bernard P. Healy
Discrimination or Harassment by race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, nation, is AGAINST THE LAW IN THE USA.

Discrimination or Harassment by race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, Nation, IS AGAINST THE LAW Attorney Healy 721-2260.
You do not pay for legal representation in Workers Compensation cases. Attorney Healy’s fees for active Workers Compensation representation are paid by the insurer.
If you have suffered discrimination, harassment or intimidation in your employment or in life, attorney Healy can help you.
Discrimination or Harassment by race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, nation, is AGAINST THE LAW IN THE USA.
As Both an attorney at law and a proctor admiralty, I am able to serve a broad range of clients.” Construction workers, Longshore and Ship workers, Nurses, aides and health care workers, Psychological injury claims, Undocumented workers, Warehouse, factory, industrial, office workers and Professionals,Employment contracts.

Definition: DISCRIMINATION – The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.401-721-2260
-Proving Discrimination,- Filing a Discrimination Claim, -Retaliation for a Discrimination Claim, -Age Discrimination, -Disability Discrimination, -Gender Identity Discrimination, -Immigration Status Discrimination, -Family Responsibilities Discrimination, -National Origin Discrimination,- Pay or Compensation Discrimination, -Pregnancy Discrimination, -Race Discrimination, -Religious Discrimination, -Sex / Gender Discrimination, -Sexual Orientation Discrimination, -Genetic Information Discrimination in the Workplace
Definition: HARASSMENT –Aggressive pressure or intimidation. Legal Standards of Discrimination, Harrasment, Sexual Harassment Application of the Law:
Is This Sexual Harassment? Sexual Harassment Practical Strategies: How Do I Deal with Sexual Harassment? Racial Harassment, Filing a Harassment Claim, Employer Policies
“I will fight back against discrimination or harassment unfair practices. I will listen to your side of the story and offer practical advice.” “I will explain how the Federal and State Laws apply to you.” I will fight for you.” 401-721-2260
Discrimination or Harassment by race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, nation, is
MY FEES: There are many pressures one faces when injured or when bringing a claim for discrimination and paying your attorney should not be one of them.
“When you win I win.” Attorney Healy is paid out of the recovery and only if successful in winning your case or obtaining compensation for you. Almost all of attorney Healy’s cases are handled on a contingent fee basis. This means that the legal fee is a percentage of the amount recovered, and there is no payment unless and until money is actually collected for you.
You do not pay for legal representation in Workers Compensation cases. In Workers Compensation cases, attorney Healy’s fees for active representation are paid by the insurer. You will never be billed for that representation. If your workers compensation case is settled, that settlement will have to be approved by a Judge of the Workers Compensation Court. Attorney Healy then might be awarded a portion of the settlement as a fee. His fee is usually 20% of the settlement.